thank you very much for your visit and appreciation, Judith
and in Romania, is called the same, Datura-
grows spontaneously everywhere but I tried its effect:)))
I wanted to photograph this plant when there were bees ;so I took advantage of this bonus!:)
to have good light and images as you wish!
Canan Oner 01/12/2009 20:56
Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much my dear friend...Much love & hugs,
nokk 30/11/2009 22:13
thank you very much for your visit and appreciation, Judithand in Romania, is called the same, Datura-
grows spontaneously everywhere but I tried its effect:)))
I wanted to photograph this plant when there were bees ;so I took advantage of this bonus!:)
to have good light and images as you wish!
Dobla 17/11/2009 22:14
Gracias Judith por tu visita y comentario.Saludos.