Bernd Ullrich 15/09/2010 16:13
Many thanks,the girls and the guys look at an airbrush demonstration.
Best regards
Vera Shulga 15/09/2010 13:42
Spasibo,Tanja!Eto protivopolozhnyj vysokij bereg Dnestra. Privet. VeraBernd Ullrich 14/09/2010 23:52
Dankeschön :-))Bernd
Bernd Ullrich 14/09/2010 23:50
Thank you for your kind words!Regards Bernd
Luciano Leonio 14/09/2010 20:28
Gentile come sempre...Un grazie di cuore..
Irbenika 14/09/2010 15:03
Aha, kone4no je, kiska! 0))) Ona laskovaja bila, no, navernoje, spesial`no dlja xoroshego snimka stala grizt` veto4ku ;)))))))
Spasibo, Tanusha, bol`shoe za prijatnie kommentarii!!
S teplom, Ira
Christian Bertero 14/09/2010 14:47
Tatiana, as you can read on this picture : I have a problem and I am busy to risolve it. Un abbraccio.
antadis 30/08/2010 15:22
hello tatiana, happy to see you again on my page and thanks for your comments, very impressed - you look through the whole my album!have a nice day))
best regards, dina
Gianmaria Giordanengo 26/08/2010 10:16
Molte grazie
Ciao Gianmaria
Konstantinos Papazoglou 24/08/2010 15:41
Thank you for your kind words...!!!Edgar Tossijn 20/08/2010 11:09
Hi Tatiana,Thank you very much for your nice reactions!
Regards, Edgar
Gianmaria Giordanengo 19/08/2010 15:57
Ale De Angelis 19/08/2010 10:45
Tatiana, grazie mille! Ciao!Alessandro
Vera Shulga 18/08/2010 12:22
Fotik povernula na 45grad ...i poletela.. Spasibo!Tad Kanazaki 18/08/2010 2:11
Thank you for your comment.
BW Tad.