Nikolaus Benz 18/04/2010 13:14
Hi Vera,Thank for calling by to view my photo's. Thank you also for your kind comment about my photo " Clear Water". This is much aprreciated..!
Kind regards,
Nikolaus Benz
Kadriye AYDIN 15/04/2010 21:11
Hi Vera,thank you so much,regards...KadriyeOwen McLeod 15/04/2010 16:17
Thank you Vera.
Valter Filippeschi 14/04/2010 20:04
Thanks Vera...Ciao
Pistone Bernardo 14/04/2010 15:53
Grazie Vera molto gentile...un caro saluto Bernardo Herzlich Willkommen in fc.....Darinka Mladenovic 14/04/2010 10:25
Thanksalessio mazzini 14/04/2010 9:20
Thanks for yours new comments. You are my best supporter!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)alessio mazzini 13/04/2010 19:44
Yes, is sad. But i tell you a secret: i was just behind my house, The city is 50 mt off :-))Michael Grotkamp 11/04/2010 11:44
thank you very much, Vera !kind regards, Michael
saleh alkadri 10/04/2010 22:31
thank u for your comment dear....yes i can imagen how much u was beautiful in your childhood.....and u still perfect womanthank u
Valter Filippeschi 10/04/2010 14:34
Thank you for your kind comment VeraCiao
Wattletree 10/04/2010 1:50
:-))) Don't you speak any russian? I hope I do and can help me to understand this Photoside :-)formic 07/04/2010 20:42
Spasiba Vera :). Dziekuje bardzo. Moja babcia pochodzila z Ukrainy. Pozdrawiam.Christian Bertero 06/04/2010 12:58
Christian Bertero 06/04/2010 12:57
Grazie mille.