TeresaM 07/04/2012 9:22
Joyeuse fête de Pâques !
Giovanni Bonnerarte 05/04/2012 23:07
Silvana W. 04/04/2012 13:57
Thank you very much ¡¡
Best wishes
yªmpo 01/04/2012 23:58
Thanks for your words trotzdem.cb,
Un saludo.
TeresaM 04/03/2012 6:45
Merci pour ton regard sur cet écran noir.
yªmpo 27/02/2012 23:29
Thank for all your words, for your visits, for your time.: -)
trotzdem.c|b 14/02/2012 22:27
...thanks a lot for your commendation yampo!...I really don´t see me like this - but still - it is very nice (and it feels good) to get such a compliment :-) ...so thx again! :-)
yªmpo 14/02/2012 21:55
you have similar photos
... but your photos are better than mine.
You make great pictures
You are a very good photographer.
laura fogazza 14/02/2012 9:00
...danke...ciao, laura :)
trotzdem.c|b 11/02/2012 13:42
...ähm, natürlich(?!)...also jedenfalls trotzdem gerne Herr C.B. Ray! ;)
yªmpo 10/02/2012 19:46
Fixed. A song into another song.
Muchas gracias por tu visita. Y por tu comantario.
yªmpo 05/02/2012 22:03
Yes..,The stars were shining hard and smiled ..
trotzdem.c|b 04/02/2012 11:05
...muy feliz!
(trotzdem = de todos modos) ;-)
yªmpo 03/02/2012 22:24
...parece... dos mundos semejantes, pero diferentes. Separados por un frontera.
Gracias, a pesar de todo. (a pesar de todo = trotzdem Translator?
wittebuxe 01/02/2012 15:58
Eine mir neue, sehr ungewöhnliche Flächen-/Raumaufteilung/Präsentation deiner interessanten (Detail)Fotos - abseits von Harmonielehre und Goldenem Schnitt? Sieht spannend aus (da guck' ich mir bestimmt 'mal 'was ab). lg: Dieter