Thank you for your kind comment of my photo. I add another winter landscape for you. For the case I will not be able to write on Christmas to all I wish you already a good Christmastime. Be blessed, Christy-Ann
Hallo Darek, thank you very much for your comment. I was quite happy about it.
I am also quite new here, therefore I would like to welcome you cordially.
regards from Steffi
Vera M. Shulga 25/10/2012 21:22
Thank you very much, Darek. Greetings, VeraSilvana W. 26/09/2011 23:30
Thank you so much,Darek ¡
Best wishes
Adele D. Oliver 01/07/2011 20:10
Thank you for your visit and nice comment, Derek ... looks like we both have fun with your Canons.cheers, Adele
ksteffi 28/05/2011 11:07
have a nice weekend.thank you
ksteffi 28/05/2011 11:06
thanks Darek for your friendly comment.
lots of good wished to Ireland......
Tad Kanazaki 28/05/2011 2:11
Thank you for your visit and comment.
BW Tad.
Vera M. Shulga 26/05/2011 16:51
Dziekuje bardzo,Darek! Wszystkiego najlepszego,VeraChristy-Ann 22/12/2010 11:56
This is my rather unorthodox Christmas card.Christmas - what's this? Look up to the sky ... – to the cross.
Wishing you a good Christmas time.
Christy-Ann 18/12/2010 14:52
Thank you for your kind comment of my photo. I add another winter landscape for you. For the case I will not be able to write on Christmas to all I wish you already a good Christmastime. Be blessed, Christy-Annksteffi 15/12/2010 12:49
Hallo Darek, thank you very much for your comment. I was quite happy about it.
I am also quite new here, therefore I would like to welcome you cordially.
regards from Steffi
Christy-Ann 14/12/2010 10:07
Welcome to the fc. I wish you many good suggestions, new ideas and have fun within the group of photo friends. Kind regards, Christy-AnnVera Shulga 14/12/2010 8:22
Pan Darek!Piszcie Thanks na profile Fotografa z kopijej swojego zdjecia.Bedziecie macz wiele komentarzej.:-)) VeraVera Shulga 14/12/2010 6:55
Dziekuje bardzo,Darek! Czeszcz VeraTullio Corradini 13/12/2010 17:32
1000 grazie Derek!!!Buona serata!!!
Christy-Ann 13/12/2010 7:11
Welcome to the fc. I wish you many good suggestions, new ideas and have fun within the group of photo friends. Kind regards, Christy-Ann