Kay-B. 02/04/2011 13:44
Thanks for the comment.wortschmiede 02/04/2011 13:07
thank you for your comment :) always exciting to see others photographs (and point of views), taken with the same camera (Nikon D3000) :)Nicola Paolantonio 02/04/2011 12:57
Grazie, davvero!Lorenzo Alonso 02/04/2011 11:18
Stef. Stein 02/04/2011 10:03
thank you very much for your comment.Nice pictures on your site...!
Sergio Levorato 01/04/2011 18:32
Grazie mille Manuel, gentilissimoCiao, Sergio
Thomas Twarog 01/04/2011 18:16
thank you nicelyTHomas
andre.as.pekte 01/04/2011 15:45
Thank you for your visit and your supportKind regards, Andreas
Muck0111 31/03/2011 19:30
thanks for your comment, MuckBernd Seibel 31/03/2011 16:11
Many thanks for your comment.b.r.
Rugenstone 31/03/2011 8:58
Hey, thanks for the nice comment, I really appreciate it.There are some nice works in your portfolio! See you, Rugenstone.
.cellyvanlaatzen. 31/03/2011 8:23
Hey Manuel,Thanks a lot for your comment! Glad you like it!
Greetings from Germany
roland gruss 30/03/2011 22:44
vielen dank für deine anmerkunghabe mich darüber gefreut
lg roland
simba44 30/03/2011 21:47
Thank you very much for your comment.Greetings
Pemarto 30/03/2011 21:26
Gracias por tus palabras, Manuel.Saludos. Pedro.