Hi Silvana Thanks for viewing my work,
for me is the same, I do not like violence ( as Julian d´angelo, the man). as a photographer, has a visual appeal is undeniable.
Pd. ! excuse my google English, greetings from Colombia ¡¡
Thank you for your visit to my gallery. I fully comprehend your: "No comment..." about my picture "Hacia adentro". The picture hurts. It was hurtful when I took it, as well as it was hurtful when I edited it. If it moves the pople who sees it, I consider my expectations fulfilled.
M.Anderson 07/07/2013 19:59
... vice versa .... thx .... :-)LG
julian d´angelo 07/07/2013 16:22
Hi Silvana Thanks for viewing my work,for me is the same, I do not like violence ( as Julian d´angelo, the man). as a photographer, has a visual appeal is undeniable.
Pd. ! excuse my google English, greetings from Colombia ¡¡
Rocco Carnevale 07/07/2013 15:11
thanks my dear :)cristian volpara 07/07/2013 14:23
You're always very kind Silvana ....
Thank you thank you thank you :-))
Fedor Vlasov 07/07/2013 12:19
Danke,Silvana.lucas s. maldonado 04/07/2013 5:51
muy bellas fotografías, con mucha creatividad! felicitaciones!Iolanda rodriguez 02/07/2013 16:55
ha sido un placer visitar tu galeria.. graciasmanuel daniel rivera 02/07/2013 11:25
Tienes una galería muy interesante, y con gran estilo, da gusto visitarla.!!Guillermo Luder 02/07/2013 2:06
Thank you for your visit to my gallery. I fully comprehend your: "No comment..." about my picture "Hacia adentro". The picture hurts. It was hurtful when I took it, as well as it was hurtful when I edited it. If it moves the pople who sees it, I consider my expectations fulfilled.yªmpo 30/06/2013 22:01
Thanks, very thanks Silvana.
Rocco Carnevale 30/06/2013 12:35
Thanks Silvana :)Guillermo Luder 30/06/2013 2:08
Me olvide de decirte. Gracias por tu voto a "puntos en la tierra"Guillermo Luder 30/06/2013 1:52
Gracias por la propuesta. Es una foto que me gusto mucho. Espero no defraudarte. Saludos y gracias por tus comentarios.yªmpo 29/06/2013 13:45
Gracias Silvana. Yo tampoco vengo a fc con la frecuencia que me gustaría.
perdona la demora.
Manuela Innocenti 28/06/2013 14:53
ty :)