Sacrilego che sei! Per fortuna se i leoni ti dovessero mangiare , ti risputerebbero immediatamente: sei troppo cattivo! ahahahaha
CIAo Romei, buona vacanza e...TORNA! cris
thank you for your commend Stefano.
I can not reply easy to you.crazy, I know.....but your page always asking me to sign in...strange password and more. I have no Italien language, so all I can do is try again .and up and on I can .like now. weird!
have you any idea why this happens???????
Kind regards Alice
Petespecial 17/07/2013 19:56
Hi Stefano, thanks for nice comment, in august I´ll spent a view days in " bella Venezia...enjoy your friend...
cardiale salute pete
ann mari cris aschieri 17/07/2013 19:30
Sacrilego che sei! Per fortuna se i leoni ti dovessero mangiare , ti risputerebbero immediatamente: sei troppo cattivo! ahahahaha
CIAo Romei, buona vacanza e...TORNA! cris
Stropp 17/07/2013 18:59
Have wonderful holidays Stefano.Ciao ... Ana
Othmar W. Mayer 17/07/2013 18:33
Dear Stefano,
Enviable. To have holidays until the end of August sounds pleasing. Where are we heading?
Greetings from Vienna
Francesco Papa 17/07/2013 18:33
Grazie mille alla prossima!!Guido Cafferati 17/07/2013 18:18
allora buone vacanze
mi raccomando:-)))))
simone nencini 17/07/2013 17:37
Grazie Stefano e fai buone vacanze.alicefairy 16/07/2013 23:23
thank you for your commend Stefano.I can not reply easy to you.crazy, I know.....but your page always asking me to sign in...strange password and more. I have no Italien language, so all I can do is try again .and up and on I can .like now. weird!
have you any idea why this happens???????
Kind regards Alice
Nico Mußmann 15/07/2013 17:51
Hello,thank you for your comment.
In your profile I found very nice pictures too.
Guido Cafferati 15/07/2013 0:47
grazie Stefano
Paolo JuliuS Sceusa 14/07/2013 23:43
Grazie Stefano. Ciao, Paolo.Vinicio Sforzi 14/07/2013 23:24
Grazie mille!Paolo Vannucchi 14/07/2013 22:49
Grazie Stefano !!!
Stropp 14/07/2013 22:33
I simply love it, when you like my photots! Thanx so much.Una buona settimana per te, Stefano! Ciao e buona notte,
chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 12/07/2013 20:41
Grazie mille Stefano