Jürg Scherrer 29/08/2012 0:01
Dear Sanja -
Many thanks for your very appreciated comment - Yes, the speciality was excellent...... mmhhhhhh!
Cheers -
Fotofan 28/08/2012 17:54
Danke für Deine Anmerkung.Du lebst in einem schönen Land.Ich habe einig Fotos vom Pitvlicer Seen in der FC.Gruß Ulrich
Zoran Lukic 27/08/2012 20:59
thx a lot for your kind comment, Sanja :-Dcornelie 26/08/2012 23:32
Hello Sanja, thank you for your nice comment.Many regards, Cornelie
michael-flick-photography.com 26/08/2012 20:04
Hey there,thx for you comment
belman 26/08/2012 14:48
thank you for the nice comment...LG from CH, Markus
tom 43 Foto 26/08/2012 11:55
Hello Sanja,thank you for the comment :)
greetings Tom43
Fabio Pomi 26/08/2012 11:09
Grazie per il commento.Saluti
pedro3812 26/08/2012 10:38
Hola de nuevo, Sanja. Veo que eres de Croacia, un país maravilloso que visité hace tres años y que es precioso y absolutamente fotogénico. Me gustan tus fotos de Krka y Plitvice, que me traen grandes recuerdos. Un saludo
pedro3812 26/08/2012 10:30
Gracias por la visita y comentario. Un saludo. Pedro
Nenad Blagojevic 26/08/2012 0:37
hvala Sanja
Thank you very much
Dieter Bahr 25/08/2012 13:41
Hallo Sanja,thank you for your nice comment to my pictures!
Regards Dieter
P.S. There must be an other minimundus in Ravensburg
Klaus - D. S 25/08/2012 9:58
Hallo Sanja,Herzlichen Dank für Deine nette Anmerkung.
Ich habe mich sehr darüber gefreut.
Gruß Klaus
BertholdHobbyfotograf 25/08/2012 8:44
Vielen Dank für deine Anmerkung zu meinem Bild. Lg BerndGiorgio Peracchio 24/08/2012 23:37
Grazie Senja, buon fine settimana !!Ciaoooo !!