Grazie Duschan, your kind words mean a lot to me. Hopefully I'll manage not to listen to all the smart kind of advice what the photography should be, although there should be some rules (?),,, Thanks for your support and comments.
Good morning everyone,
it seemed proper to me thank those who have actually taken the time to view my images and, more importantly, commented on some of them. After more or less one month on this site I have made my observations as well and I have seen some very good work, a few truly great photographs and, somewhat to my regret, a lot of "snapshots" without any relevance, neither documentary much less artistic. Now, I fully support the idea that on a site such as this everyone should have the freedom to post his or her images for any reason at all. However, I am strongly of the opinion that images taken with mobile phones should not be admissible and banal snapshots may very well be fit for a private album, but may not necessarily enrichen the world of all of us. I consider it a bit of an affront to those who have taken their time, experience and know-how to "c r e a t e" an image. I would welcome more criticism, constructive, but honest. I won't be offended if someone constructively criticizes an image - it helps me to perhaps improve a habitual error I may commit. Again, thank you all, it is a privilege to have a chance to meet (at least online) you and see your work which is fascinating, intriguing, mesmerizing and at times simply charming. Keep it coming, please! Stay well, Duschan
RUFFINI SILVANO 02/02/2013 20:58
grazie di cuore............!!... CON SAGGEZZA VERSO IL FUTURO ...
RUFFINI SILVANOciao ...........!!
giorgio busignani 01/02/2013 9:31
Grazie mille!!!Siegma 27/01/2013 9:21
Danke für deine Anmerkung zu meinen Foto hat mich sehr gefreut.lg Sieghart
DRAGA PUC 24/01/2013 8:30
Grazie Duschan, your kind words mean a lot to me. Hopefully I'll manage not to listen to all the smart kind of advice what the photography should be, although there should be some rules (?),,, Thanks for your support and comments.draga
nicola figliuolo 23/01/2013 15:53
Grazie per la visita!fotuli 22/01/2013 22:42
Hallo Duschan,vielen Dank für Deine positive Anmerkung und viele Grüße nach Italien!
Sonnenuntergang vor Rantum
fotuliMarco Bembo 19/01/2013 15:18
Grazie della visita! Ciao. MBDRAGA PUC 19/01/2013 11:24
dark is the night 4
DRAGA PUCalthough I am not sure about the "lovely" image.
Marco Lascialfari 18/01/2013 11:52
Grazie, gentilissimo!Buona giornata, ciao
Action painting
Marco LascialfariMarco
Duschan Tomic 17/01/2013 6:39
Good morning everyone,it seemed proper to me thank those who have actually taken the time to view my images and, more importantly, commented on some of them. After more or less one month on this site I have made my observations as well and I have seen some very good work, a few truly great photographs and, somewhat to my regret, a lot of "snapshots" without any relevance, neither documentary much less artistic. Now, I fully support the idea that on a site such as this everyone should have the freedom to post his or her images for any reason at all. However, I am strongly of the opinion that images taken with mobile phones should not be admissible and banal snapshots may very well be fit for a private album, but may not necessarily enrichen the world of all of us. I consider it a bit of an affront to those who have taken their time, experience and know-how to "c r e a t e" an image. I would welcome more criticism, constructive, but honest. I won't be offended if someone constructively criticizes an image - it helps me to perhaps improve a habitual error I may commit. Again, thank you all, it is a privilege to have a chance to meet (at least online) you and see your work which is fascinating, intriguing, mesmerizing and at times simply charming. Keep it coming, please! Stay well, Duschan
Serafina Pekkala 16/01/2013 16:18
Hallo Duschan,ich freue mich, dass Dir die schöne Aimeé so gut gefällt und bringe sie hier gleich noch einmal mit :-)
LG Hex
Anja Muskalla 16/01/2013 9:34
Hallo Duschan,vielen Dank für deine AM zu dem Foto:
LG Anja =)
Beate Fritzen 15/01/2013 23:04
Hallo Duschan,vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar zu meinem Foto.
Danke für den Hinweis mit dem Gelände.
LG Beate
Ulrich A Wilbert 13/01/2013 0:52
Hallo Duschan, vielen Dank für Deine Anmerkung zu meinem Bild vom Hohen Venn. Ich habe mich darüber sehr gefreut.Hohes Venn 3
Ulrich A WilbertLG, Uli
meinsundkreativ 11/01/2013 16:18
Hallo Duschan, freue mich und danke dir sehr für deine Anmerkungzu meinen Foto!
Wünsch dir noch ein gesundes neues Jahr!
Vg Ralf