thanks Alex for going thru a lot of older photos and your nice comments. In fact I was wondering where you disappeared to........ well, most of the shots you liked were taken in the summer in a space of 2 hrs downtown Toronto and there were so many I haven't even looked at. But that was in August and now it's November and winter is here already and there is very little I can get inspired about. I'll write more later. janos
Danke lieber Alexander wie schön das Dir diese beiden Bilder gefallen
ich freue mich sehr darüber
hab herzliche Grüße von mir Kristine
und genieße einen angenehmen Abend
rocco di ciommo 24/12/2016 12:06
grazie Alexander, buone festerocco di ciommo 22/12/2016 12:29
ciao Alexandergrazie per i tuoi commenti e sopratutto per gli auguri per le prossime feste che ricambio di tutto cuore
SINA 19/12/2016 16:23
Danke Alexander ich freue mich sehr
hab herzliche grüße von mir Kristine
Emilio Sirletti 15/12/2016 7:28
Grazie per il gradito commento.
Ivan Zanotti 14/12/2016 16:39
Grazie Alexander un saluto caro IvanSINA 13/12/2016 17:29
Vielen lieben Dank Alexander
hab herzliche grüße von mir für eine schöne Winterzeit Kristine
Natalia 5 11/12/2016 8:12
Good time Alexander ! Thank you for your attention to the photo and congratulations! I like this attention!With best wishes, Natalya.rocco di ciommo 08/12/2016 12:26
guarda che in Italia non stiamo meglio... purtroppo:-(
un caro saluto
SINA 08/12/2016 11:33
er singt auf deutsch und fern ab von Kitschi Pitschi , ich mag diese Art Musik ....
Danke ALEX
Es freut mich wenn s Dir gefällt
Liebe GRÜSSE von Kristine
Hab eine schöne Vorweihnachtliche Zeit
rocco di ciommo 07/12/2016 14:36
ciao Alexanderanche mia nonna faceva la lisciva con la cenere
Ram Ramkumar 07/12/2016 10:54
Thank you for dropping by my page and leaving the kind commentsBR Ram
rocco di ciommo 06/12/2016 23:21
opera del "ventennio":-)
ciao e grazie
Janos Gardonyi 30/11/2016 0:46
thanks Alex for going thru a lot of older photos and your nice comments. In fact I was wondering where you disappeared to........ well, most of the shots you liked were taken in the summer in a space of 2 hrs downtown Toronto and there were so many I haven't even looked at. But that was in August and now it's November and winter is here already and there is very little I can get inspired about. I'll write more later. janosSINA 29/11/2016 16:45
Danke lieber Alexander wie schön das Dir diese beiden Bilder gefallen
ich freue mich sehr darüber
hab herzliche Grüße von mir Kristine
und genieße einen angenehmen Abend
rocco di ciommo 28/11/2016 9:51
non solo gli somiglio ma porto anche il suo nomeciao