Paperina 29/10/2014 15:18
E' stimolante trovare persone vicine al mio "modo di sentire e vedere", la tua gentilezza mi lusinga.Buona giornata . Pa
Alexa frost 15/10/2014 20:19
Thank you so much for your nice com M Takatsu.Sorry for being in late but I was traveling during several days.
Strato Caster 09/10/2014 19:54
Hello Takatsu san,thank you for your nice comment to my pictures.
It makes me realy happy. I like your pictures very much.
Greetings, Thilo
Charly Winkler 18/09/2014 13:29
Thank you for your visit
I was with my friend Died - often in Switzerland
Dieter was an expert - and n is the love Switzerland
I think very much - at this time
Sorry for the Google Translation
a dear greeting from Tyrol
Guckrohr 17/08/2014 16:51
Hallo Takatsu,Danke für Deine Anmerkung. Es war sehr aufregend und schön einen Elefanten so nah zu erleben.
LG Simone
Paperina 25/07/2014 7:37
1000 grazie e un saluto.Ciao. Pa
Guckrohr 22/07/2014 19:57
Hallo Takatzu, Danke für Deine Netten Worte zur Rose und Pusteblume.LG aus Deutschland Simone
Paperina 08/07/2014 15:30
1000 grazie per i tuoi apprezzamenti. Are hung on a wire that runs by means of a pulleyvengono appesi su un filo che scorre per mezzo di una carrucola. Cari saluti italiani.
HMphotography 06/07/2014 19:32
Hallo Y.Takatsu.,vielen Dank für Deine freundlichen Anmerkungen unter meinen Aufnahmen. Ich habe mich sehr darüber gefreut und wünsche Dir eine gute Zeit und viel Spaß beim Fotografieren.
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland
† Bickel Paul 28/06/2014 13:33
Vielen Dank Takatsu für alle Deine kommentare.Gruss Paul
Paperina 23/06/2014 9:02
1000 grazie e un saluto. Ciao. PaHann 64 09/06/2014 20:00
Hello und thank you for your commentsGruss Hannelore
Monasophie13 08/06/2014 17:56
Hello und I thank you so for your comments. Here it is very hot... to hot.Best regards, Ramona.
der jOe 07/06/2014 23:04
Tnx . You really are a "train junkie" Showing us a wonderful collection of your fav. toys :) keep on "TRAINing" .Gianmaria Giordanengo 05/06/2014 16:07
ciao Gianmaria