Monasophie13 17/04/2014 15:25
I thank you for your nice remarks to my photos.Many greetings to Japan, Ramona.
I put you on orange, so that I miss in future none of your photos.
Gotti.H 16/04/2014 19:49
Danke für die vielen Anmerkungen .Grüße von Dresden nach Tokyo
Guckrohr 15/04/2014 19:36
Hallo Y. Takatsu, vielen Dank für Deine Anmerkungen zu meinen Fotos.LG Simone
Rita Möck 15/04/2014 17:43
Danke für Deine lieben Anmerkungen zu meinen Bildern.Freue mich riesig! Vorallem,Du schreibst - deutsch -!? Bin im Kurzurlaub mit meinem Enkelsohn. Liebe Grüße aus - Hamburg - wünscht Dir RitaAndersFotografie 15/04/2014 13:07
Thank you Y.Takatsu for your lovely comments.......I am very pleased.
Have a nice Week.
Greetings from Germany
gelbhaarduisburg 13/04/2014 19:22
Thank you very much for your comment. The photograph was taken by my grandfather in the year 1940. He was the captain of a ship.
Kind regards,
Christiane Dreher 12/04/2014 13:49
Many thanks Mr. Y.Takatsu :-))With best and sunny wishes from Germany,
† Bickel Paul 12/04/2014 5:55
Vielen Dank Takatsu für alle Deine netten Kommentare.Gruss Paul
AndersFotografie 10/04/2014 16:50
Thank you Y.Takatsu for your lovely comments!I am very pleased.
Have a nice Day.
Rita Möck 08/04/2014 20:39
Thanks for the visit, has pleased me very much about it!!!!!Best regards from Germany - Stuttgart - Rita
Guckrohr 04/04/2014 20:11
Hallo, Du hast ja viele Züge fotografiert und sehr schön getroffen. Egal ob Sommer oder Winter. Schöne Fotos.LG Simone
S. Kainberger 04/04/2014 12:42
Hi,thanks for your nice comments! ; )
Cheers, Stephan
AndersFotografie 03/04/2014 23:31
Thank you Y.Takatsu for your lovely comments!I am very pleased.
Have a nice Weekend.
Haidhauser 03/04/2014 16:19
Hello dear Yasuyuki,thank you alot going over my "old" pictures of Eritrea and commenting so nicely about those. I'm very pleased you enjoyed those!!!
It's a pity, that there were several landslides thus no special trains running in the moment. I wonder if or when one can use the line again.....
Waiting for more of your superb pics of Japanese steam I wish you always "good light" and send you the very best greetings from Munich!!!!
† Bickel Paul 03/04/2014 5:46
Vielen dank Takatsu für alle sehr netten Kommentare.Gruss Paul