Hola Jose
Me parece perfecto, el trabajo que estás desarrollando, y te deseo toda la buena suerte, para tus próximos viajes. Espero que algún día, podamos saludarnos en Portugal.
Un abrazo
Hi, Thank you so much for appreciating some of my Pictures. I'm very happy about it :-) On the other hand I also admire your subjects of interest in photographing very interesting walks of life about "PEOPLE" in the world! Have a nice Day :-)
Apostolos Koreas 23/05/2022 12:31
Hola Oscar. Gracias por elogiar mi foto en Munster. ApostolosGelo Charro 17/05/2022 22:49
Hola JoseMe parece perfecto, el trabajo que estás desarrollando, y te deseo toda la buena suerte, para tus próximos viajes. Espero que algún día, podamos saludarnos en Portugal.
Un abrazo
Claudio Fortunato 17/05/2022 17:34
Molte grazie per il tuo apprezzamento!Ciao
Kharmencita Cortez 17/05/2022 12:14
Hi, Thank you so much for appreciating some of my Pictures. I'm very happy about it :-) On the other hand I also admire your subjects of interest in photographing very interesting walks of life about "PEOPLE" in the world! Have a nice Day :-)Rolf Wernet 12/05/2022 17:46
Herzlichen Dank für Dein Lob zu dem Foto 'Farbenspiel - Auditorio de Tenerife. VG RolfKatieAn 11/05/2022 21:46
Vielen Dank für das Lob.Grüße Katie
sigi.nestler 10/05/2022 10:59
Recht herzlichen Dank für das Lob und liebe 'Grüße aus Salzburg, SigiM. Weber 2 07/05/2022 19:35
Vielen Dank für Dein Lob. Du machst sehr interessante Aufnahmen von Menschen. In vielen Fotos liest man gleich eine Geschichte.LG Manfred
Hartmut-D. 03/05/2022 14:28
es sind so tolle Fotos, man kann "nur" jedes loben !!Gruß
HerBertM 23/04/2022 12:03
Vielen Dank für Dein Lob. LG HerbertPfriemer 15/04/2022 11:14
Thank you for your interest on my photo from Cambodia, I'd like to be your photo friend and remain with my warm greetings from Bangkok WolfgangJajaouterspace 07/04/2022 8:14
You are back for a while, so great to see your wonderful photos again.Keep it coming!
Thorny Devil 02/04/2022 13:53
Very nice to see you active here again - something would be missing...Regards Marcus
Robert L. Roux 28/03/2022 11:52
e eu te agradeço ...your kind appreciations
warm my heart
greetings from the north country