absolutely impressive photos you are presenting us here in your portfolio.
The people radiate the calm and wisdom that they have found in their long life. For me Western European unusual and again impressive pictures. Thanks a lot for this.
Very impressive pictures! Do you find it difficult to get in contact with the people? For me it's not always so easy. But usually the people in Asia are very friendly. All your pics are really great but a few looking in my eyes a little over processed. Gerat work!
Snapshot10 12/10/2020 20:12
Thank you for your praise. Best regards Snapshot 10Pizzabeck 12/10/2020 13:16
Vielen Dank für dein Lob!bstoffl 11/10/2020 3:31
Many thanks for your numerous praises.Congratulations for you impressive collection of stunning images!
Best regards, Ben
Ni-ko-n 10/10/2020 16:26
Deine Portraits sind der Hammer. SchapowBertram Peters 05/10/2020 18:42
Vielen Dnk für Dein Lob. Deine Portraits sind fantastisch - kaum zu übertreffen!koch werner klaus 28/09/2020 15:37
....bin berührt von diesen einzigartigen Portraits.....kein weiterer Kommentar meinerseits ist möglich......Gratulation!MLG Werner Koch
Pizzabeck 28/09/2020 9:51
Vielen Dank für dein Lob!Urs E. 22/09/2020 22:28
Thank you, verry much!Best regards
arthie58 22/09/2020 18:55
Hello,absolutely impressive photos you are presenting us here in your portfolio.
The people radiate the calm and wisdom that they have found in their long life. For me Western European unusual and again impressive pictures. Thanks a lot for this.
Best Regards, Armin
Christian Devender 22/09/2020 16:14
Brillante Porträts in Deinem PortfolioCima III 22/09/2020 11:47
Grazie!.......mi fa molto piacere il tuo apprezzamento...Ciao..
Kueslowski 21/09/2020 20:42
unglaublich Farbenfroh!Pizzabeck 20/09/2020 16:24
Vielen Dank für dein Lob!WT-Foto 16/09/2020 20:45
Great pictures! Congratulations!Kind regards Wolfgang
Günter-Diel 13/09/2020 18:13
Very impressive pictures! Do you find it difficult to get in contact with the people? For me it's not always so easy. But usually the people in Asia are very friendly. All your pics are really great but a few looking in my eyes a little over processed. Gerat work!