Stefanos Lampridis 16/12/2005 22:07
Hello again Jeremy! Always glad to see a comment from you!Ron Couwenberg 16/12/2005 10:33
Ron Couwenberg 16/12/2005 10:32
Jeremy, thank you for your commment. Macro, Shutter speed 1/100, aperture F4.0. The background was slightly lighter, i added +10 contrast in Photoshop, so it becamedarker. That's it. Thanks again.
Milan Bystron 16/12/2005 7:08
Hi Jeremy, i thank you for your comment of my picture Way to Light! ... :)Peter Kis kalóz 16/12/2005 5:26
Hi Jeremy!Thank you fo your nice comment. Best regards:Peter
Diana Davidson 16/12/2005 0:30
: ) backatchaDietmar Mueller 15/12/2005 17:00
hi Jeremy
Thank for your compliment.---!!
LG dietmar
Ron Couwenberg 15/12/2005 11:49
Thanks again Jeremy for your kind comment.RonC
Kinga Duchnowska 14/12/2005 16:31
Thank you for the comments on "Low Key" and "Sadness".Kind Regards. :)
Ron Couwenberg 14/12/2005 12:58
Thank for your compiment. I really appreciate it.RonC
Danny W. Wilson 14/12/2005 3:52
Thanks again for you kind comments :)Peter Kis kalóz 14/12/2005 2:19
Thank you Jeremy! PeterTessa Beckenbauer 13/12/2005 17:50
thxGülbin Özdamar 13/12/2005 9:10
Hi, jeremyI am happy for your comment about my photos,
thank you
take it easy,
Sergio Pessolano 13/12/2005 7:58
Hi Jeremy,Thank you for taking time to comment my photo "The Shaman". I really enjoy your comment.