Manuela Luna 03/08/2006 22:59
Hi Nick,many thanks for your comment.
Best wishes
Ettore Caio 03/08/2006 14:03
Hallo Nick,grazie del commento.Ettore
Pierluigi Mioli 02/08/2006 19:51
Grazie Nick, ciao PierluigiFrank M. Wolters 02/08/2006 17:47
Hy Nick,thanks a lot for your comment on my picture "sunrise"
Best regards from Germany
Jaime Crystal Attenborough 02/08/2006 16:59
thankyou my great friend :):):)
always appreciate your input to my work :)
Mario Brenna freeshen 02/08/2006 15:57
grazie Nick for your comment on "profili" ciao, marioThomas Kochendorf 02/08/2006 0:10
Hey Nick,thanks a lot for your comment on my photo.
Best regards,
ekPhotographie 01/08/2006 1:59
Danke für deinen Eintrag bei mir und für dein großes Lob. Machst ebenfalls sehr interessante Fotos, abwechslungs- und ideenreich.LG nach russia Enni
Luigi Masini 31/07/2006 20:47
Hi Nick ,thanks for the comment to the pictures :
bye Luigi
Pierluigi Mioli 31/07/2006 7:43
Thank you Nick ! ciao PL.Pascal Viyer 30/07/2006 13:26
Thank you very much, Nick.I appreciate your comments for my photos "Backery" and "July 14th".
A bientôt.
Lothar Borchert 30/07/2006 0:05
Spasibo drug! ja pazdravlaju z Germni, twoie fotkas oschen karaschoLothar
Sergio La Spina 28/07/2006 19:15
Thenk you for your commente in my shot ciaoSergio
Dennis Veldman 28/07/2006 17:31
Thank you Nick!Dee
Gaetano Ficara 28/07/2006 1:19
Grazie Nik. Bellissime le tue foto.Ciao,