Antonio Amen 24/11/2007 20:21
Thank you.Greetings
I offer you my photo for the lobster....lololol
Maria João Arcanjo 23/11/2007 23:11
Thanks my Friend!!!!!beijinhos
aw masry 23/11/2007 20:58
Hi Dear FriendThanks for your spontaeous comment on this image. I was really appreciated.
Best regards – aw masry
Ilidio Fernandes 23/11/2007 19:34
Michael Thank you for the kind commentsIlidio Fernandes 22/11/2007 1:16
Thank you so much for the kind commentCanan Oner 21/11/2007 22:41
Thank you so much Michael !!!!Cheers,
Ilidio Fernandes 21/11/2007 20:05
Thank you so much for the recent comments.Rahel Hufschmid 21/11/2007 19:45
Hi, many thanks for your words, i am pleased that you like my picture =)Ildiko Toth 21/11/2007 18:11
Thank you for your kind comment!Your photos always enthral me.
regards, Ildiko
Alexandra Baltog 21/11/2007 16:56
THANK YOU !!!!all the best,
Perry Blevins 21/11/2007 15:53
Thanks Mike for your kind comments onYour comments aqre always welcome.
Canan Oner 20/11/2007 20:42
Many thanks Michael...Very much appreciated as always...
Rob Brydon 20/11/2007 0:03
Thanks Mike. When you see how this iron is bent and mangled it brings home the magnitude of the disaster..cheers..RobMassimo Carolla 19/11/2007 19:39
Thanks Michael ;-)
Jürgen Cron 19/11/2007 16:08
Hello Michael, thank's for your Vote, I'am happy about this Star:-)Greetings, Jürgen..
Ps. Your Profil Pic is very funy ;-)