Canan Oner 16/05/2008 11:46
Thank you so much Michael...So nice to see you again..Much hugs,
Ilidio Fernandes 16/05/2008 0:35
Thank you for the kind wordsJohn Moore 01/05/2008 18:36
Hello Mike, hope that you are well mate and taking many photo's for when you return to FC?Take care mate.
John Moore 26/03/2008 15:33
This is a sad chapter mate!!I do hope that you will return in the future?
You will be missed mate.
I wish you all the luck in the future.
Walkabout John.
Bergfee 20/03/2008 20:19
aw masry 19/03/2008 15:35
Hello dear friendNice to meet you again. it is so long :-))
Thanks in advance for your comments. Much appreciated.
Best regards - aw masry
Canan Oner 30/01/2008 2:02
Dear Michael !Thank you so much !!!!!Hugs ,
Ilidio Fernandes 25/01/2008 0:20
Thank you for your kind supportPascal Viyer 24/01/2008 10:38
Thank you, dear Mike, for your recent visitamitié
p a s c a l
Maria João Arcanjo 23/01/2008 21:53
Michael, how nice to see you. Thanks for your support.Beijinhos
Alexandru Valentin Iedu 23/01/2008 17:38
Hello Michael,Thank you very much for your kind support...
All the best for you ...
Kind regards,
Stefan Seith von Benrath 23/01/2008 2:28
Thank you for the supportbest regards
CsomorLászló 21/01/2008 19:03
Thank you Michael!
Claire L. 21/01/2008 17:48
Heartfelt thanks!Ilidio Fernandes 21/01/2008 0:11
Thank you so much for making it happen