
Free Account, berlin

Su di me

hello every body, i'm pleased that u found me over here.
i discovered my passion for photography about 19 years ago, as i won a camera in a competition, i started to take pictures with this camera and started to develop an eye for photography, but this was very amateur at this time, years passed and i got busy with other things like learning for the school and i had almost no time to take pictures, it happened just in occasions.
in year 1996 i joined the faculty of applied arts and started to study advertising and printing for the next 5 years.
as soon as i was done with the university i took a job as an art teacher for students for 6 long months, afterwards i decided to quite teaching and start to go independently to discover the world.
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Ricevuti / Dati


  • Fotografo/a (Professionista)


Canon 5D MKIII
Sony A7R II
Hasselblad H4D