Susana Miguel

Premium (Pro), Zaragoza

Su di me

Ich bin eine totale Hobbyfotografin, ohne besondere Kameras oder Fachkenntnisse.
Da ich aber male, habe ich mein Auge ein wenig darauf trainiert, interessante Motive zu erkennen und versuche sie nun, auch mit der Kamera festzuhalten.

I am a hobby photographer without any special equipment or training.
But since I do paint a lot, I have trained my eye in recognizing special motives and I am trying now to capture them with the camera as well.

Soy una fotógrafa aficionada sin equipo especial ni formación.
Pero como pinto, he educado mi ojo para reconocer motivos especiales e intento capturarlos también con la cámara.

Je suis une photographe amateur, sans équipe spécial ni formation.
Mais comme je peins, j’ai éduqué mon regard pour reconnaitre des motifs spéciales et j’essaye les capturer aussi avec ma caméra.

STROPP (Stropp ) aka my sister Ana has a series of wonderful photos and lately she is excelling in flower and makro photography - it is worth a visit !

STROPP (Stropp ) alias meine Schwester Ana hat eine wunderbare Serie von Fotos in ihrem Folder und in der letzten Zeit hat sie wunderbare Blumen und Makrofotos veröffentlicht - ein Besuch lohnt auf jeden Fall !
fire to the rain
fire to the rain

tombe la pluie 4 ...
tombe la pluie 4 ...

I could  show you love
I could show you love

I hereby declare that my copyright is attached to all of my personal details, illustrations, comics, paintings, professional photos and videos, etc. (as a result of the Berner Convention). For commercial use of the above my written consent is needed at all times!
By the present communiqué, I notify that it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, disseminate, or take any other action against me on the basis of this profile and/or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of my privacy is punishable by law (UCC 1 1-308-308 1-103 and the Rome Statute).

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