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858a    ___SEA COLLECTION___


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Commenti 10

  • alexander stefanatos 13/02/2022 7:45

    Luchino  Visconti would have taken this shot also....
    ciao mia cara  Cris
    • ann mari cris aschieri 13/02/2022 13:24

      Thanks Alex, this is a great compliment ... however undeserved by me.
      I assume you are referring to movie “Death in Venice”, in which some scenes were filmed on the Venice Lido beach....  but Visconti  vision was much wider than mine is, and while I am collecting little shells on the shore He always looked beyond the sea to achieve His mission...
      I am so proud of your friendship and of the appraisal you show to my photo works.
      All my best,  CIAo!   crissy
    • alexander stefanatos 14/02/2022 9:45

      Yes,Cris, I agree great Visconti may have looked far beyong the sea chasing his mission but, in questi momenti sulla spiaggia del Lido, finisce a decidere che lo sguardo del suo protagonista sua fissato a un obiettivo molto piu umano, piu "mortale" e di una belezza cosi semplice ma perfetta come quella delle conchiglie.....
    • ann mari cris aschieri 14/02/2022 10:26

      I love your way  of expressing ideas that is like a cure...
  • lucy franco 29/01/2022 22:30

    Dettagli eloquenti immersi in una luce cristallina, apprezzo la pennellata di azzurro in alto
  • Ansgar Leuthner 29/01/2022 15:04

    ...I'm always very fascinated by the perfection of this little things...the ways of Mother Nature are inexhaustible and so full of art...My daughters collected lots and lots of them...and not two are completely identical....We all could learn a little more humility before life by looking at those little things....Ciao, mia cara sorella! Ansgar
    • ann mari cris aschieri 31/01/2022 21:05

      You are right and say well.
      in addition to the shells  I collected stones from varous beaches of the world that I have brought back from my travels . I also have a small bottle of thin golden sand picked up from Sahara desert.
      Believe: I care about these souvenirs more than my jewels (that I put in the bank 10 years ago since I did'n wear them no longer... :))
      CIAo! Thanks for your attention, dear Ansgar
  • Gianpaolo Rossi 28/01/2022 21:19

    voglia di mare, voglia d'estate.
    Perfetta per questo periodo.