Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

A Bit of Christmas Magic

amongst the highrises of downtown Vancouver ...
the Christmas Market in 2021

I will be away for a few days, but will look at your photos ....

Commenti 29

  • BGW-photo 09/12/2023 8:27

    Hope you will enjoy a peaceful Christmas time …
    Best wishes,  Bernd
  • Eifelpixel 08/12/2023 8:07

    A Christmas market like this belongs in an old town with historic buildings. This is how the true mood emerges
    • Adele D. Oliver 08/12/2023 20:20

      thank you, and you are so right, Joachim, although with many little Christmas stands around and the smells and imported decorations from Germany you forget you are in the big city.. It is all too commercial here - we even have to pay to get into the market  :-(((
    • Eifelpixel 09/12/2023 3:47

      That would be the death of the market in Germany.
      It's a tradition here and all cities have something like that.
      The many visitors make the market attractive
        There is a big source of income for the places as visitors from all over Europe visit these markets
      Greetings to Canada
  • Pascal Saalfeld 07/12/2023 20:27

    Großartige Umsetzung, begeistert mich. Viele Grüße. Pascal
  • Michèle FLEURY 07/12/2023 9:43

    Le marché de Noël, et ses cabanes à toits rouges, ses sapins, avec les gens qui se pressent dans ses petites allées, semble si petit au pied des tours vitrées de Vancouver, qui dominent la ville! Un contraste de styles, de dimensions, de fête de Noël face à la rigueur architecturale, que tu doses très bien dans une très bonne qualité d'image, Adele! Compliments à toi, amitiés et bises! Michèle
  • Alfred Schultz 06/12/2023 17:52

    I can recognize some German words here.
    Hopefully you won't get homesick?
    Gruss - A.
    • Adele D. Oliver 08/12/2023 20:18

      Well, I do miss the original Christmas markets in Germany, i.c. Nuernberg and Dresden etc. etc. ... so much more authentic in the centre of the old towns :-)))
      thank you, Alfred !!!
  • corail 05/12/2023 15:49

    Chalets festifs de fin d' année dans la grande City !!
  • Isi19 05/12/2023 10:03

    New world looks upon old world and old traditions....super...LG von Isi19
  • Matthias Getto 05/12/2023 7:49

    Your Christmas market stalls against the backdrop of the city's skyscrapers are wonderful to look at. It is funny that people in western Canada wish the market visitors a "Fröhliche Weihnachten".
    Best regards
  • Laelia Letombe 05/12/2023 7:44

    jolie photo amts laelia
  • BUBUL 05/12/2023 7:28

    joli shoot adele.bonne journee.bises.
  • Dream30 04/12/2023 21:19

    quelle différence entre les immenses buildings et les petits chalets ! Très belle composition Bises
  • Conny11 04/12/2023 18:41

    Das sieht schon  krass aus, die Weihnachtspyramide inmitten der Hochhäuser, bestens fotografiert und präsentiert.
    LG, habt einen schönen Tag, herzlichst Conny
  • Gelo Charro 04/12/2023 18:00

    Gran contraste constructivo, por Navidad...buen tiro!!!!
  • Axel Sand 04/12/2023 17:44

    Wonderfull, Adele.
    Warm regards
  • Harold Thompson 04/12/2023 16:27

    Such a colourful time of the year


Cartelle Around Vancouver
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Fotocamera Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Obiettivo 4.3 - 215.0 mm
Diaframma 4
Tempo di esposizione 1/400
Distanza focale 5.9 mm
ISO 200

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