Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

A Little Beauty

The Golden Lion Tamarin, also known as the golden marmoset, is a small New World monkey of the family Callitrichidae. Native to the Atlantic coastal forests of Brazil, the golden lion tamarin is an endangered species with an estimated wild population of about 3,200 individuals spread between four places along southeastern Brazil, and a captive population maintained at about 490 individuals among 150 zoos.

Taken in the All Weather Zoo in Muenster, Germany .... and it was difficult because he/she was far away and so fast moving and in and out of the trees.

Commenti 37


Cartelle Animals, Birds etc.
Visto da 5.842


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 6.5
Tempo di esposizione 1/80
Distanza focale 215.0 mm
ISO 200

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