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A penny for your thoughts, my dear...

A penny for your thoughts, my dear...

1.774 3

Silmaril Silmaril

Free Account, Basel

A penny for your thoughts, my dear...

Sommer 1990. Thurso/ Scotland. 3000 km zurückgelegt...

>>I was walking in the park dreaming of a spark
When I heard the sprinklers whisper
Shimmer in the haze of summer lawns
Then I heard the children singing
They were running through the rainbows
They were singing a song for you
Well it seemed to be a song for you
The one I wanted to write for you, for you
Lavenders blue, dilly dilly, lavenders green
When I am King, dilly dilly, you will be Queen
A penny for your thoughts my dear
A penny for your thoughts my dear
I.O.U. for your love, IOU for your love... [...]

Commenti 3

  • Anouk Baumann 21/10/2003 9:43

    Schönes Bild, interessanter Ausdruck, gute Stimmung - und schöner Mann;-)
    Gratuliere Dir
    lg Anouk
  • Silmaril Silmaril 26/09/2001 11:57

    Danke ihr beiden für die Kommentare!
    @Dorothe: bin mir auch nicht ganz sicher, der Rahmen überzeugt mich nicht wirklich...
    @Caroline: willst Du seine Telefonnummer ;o)?
  • Caroline B. 24/09/2001 22:00

    Mir gefällts..der Mann, der Ausdruck..ganz einfach die Stimmung, die rüberkommt!