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A Washington Moment - No. 2

A Washington Moment - No. 2

2.310 3

Steve Ember

Premium (World)

A Washington Moment - No. 2

A calm setting on a Saturday afternoon. The bollard-lined walkway
leads to the Russell Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill.

Also known as the "Old Senate Office Building" (until there were three),
it is notably quiet on this afternoon as the Senate is not in session.

The three Senate Office Buildings sit just across Constitution Avenue from the Capitol.

A favorite cinematic moment of mine involving this building is in the superb film "Advise and Consent"
when Charles Laughton, as southern Senator Seab Cooley, in his rumpled white summer suit,
disembarks from a streetcar and joins fellow Senators Bob Munson and Stanley Danta
(Walter Pidgeon and Paul Ford) in walking up the steps of the "Old Senate Office Building," while
discussing Cooley's bitter opposition to the President's controversial choice for Secretary of State.

The image was captured on Ilford XP2 Super 400 film through
the Carl Zeiss 45 mm f/2 lens, with red filter, on my Contax G2.

It is part of an edition of Washington photographs in black and white
and is available in gallery prints and as a custom printed photo note card.

©2015 Steve Ember

Commenti 3

  • Carlo.Pollaci 23/11/2015 15:33

    Magnificent BW.
    Best wishes,
  • Susanne Kämmner 16/11/2015 12:34

    You know, Steve, the miracle of your photos isn´t reclusively the photography-part. It is the "all-in package" you always offer. Each of your photos has a story; and with the story they gain a soul. Most of your photos are incredible enough being standalones without this story, but without the information behind they remain just pictures. Equipped with a story or information they mutate into an illustrated story-book with a heart & a soul. And that´s obviously the mystery of your photography ... your photos not only have, but reveal a soul. They strike a chord with the beholder. And in consequence one cannot help being charmed by them.
    • Steve Ember 26/05/2018 22:23

      Thank you, Susanne! Your eloquent words honor me and make me feel it is worthwhile to create these narratives.