3.326 4

Jacqueline Chay

Free Account, Sydney


My Beautiful Son

Commenti 4

  • Wendy de With 23/07/2008 21:15

    Nice portrait of your son, he's a handsome man.
    The portrait is nice in b/w and you captured the little light in the eyes well. Maybe I would have cropped the picture differently but that's personal taste I guess.
    Greetings, Wendy
  • Dennis Maloney 21/07/2008 18:47

    Yes he is quite handsome, but then he has a very beautiful mum......well presented in monochrome....best wishes, den
  • archiek 21/07/2008 17:36

    Looks like a fine young man. Congratulations on getting him to adulthood. -archie
  • Wayne Tsipouras 21/07/2008 13:30

    Nice relaxed portrait, to make a Mother proud!



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