5.668 83

Pascal Viyer

Free Account, Nevers, Bourgogne

After a tempest

After a Tempest

The rain-drops glistened on the trees around,
Whose shadows on the tall grass were not stirred,
Save when a shower of diamonds, to the ground,
Was shaken by the flight of startled bird;
For birds were warbling round, and bees were heard
About the flowers; the cheerful rivulet sung
And gossiped, as he hastened ocean-ward;
To the gray oak the squirrel, chiding clung,
And chirping from the ground the grasshopper upsprung.

William Cullen Bryant
- 1794.1878 -

A special thought to the disaster victims of the yesterday tempest

Big thanks to Luigi Scorsino for this stunning proposal !!
Merci, mon ami Luigi :o)

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