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Steve Ember

Premium (World)


This is Alice.

She's 15 years old and loves the waterfalls outside the Smithsonian's National Museum of the
American Indian and the refreshing spray they give off on a Washington summer's afternoon.

Alice was captured on Ilford XP2 Super 400 film in a Nikon FA with 24 mm Nikkor lens.

This image, part of an extensive portfolio of Washington scenes in black and white,
is available in gallery prints and as a custom printed Photo Note Card.

Photo + Design ©2012 Steve Ember

Commenti 3

  • Eva-Maria Nehring 30/04/2013 23:49

    Was für eine / ein Süße/r.
    Schön so auf Augenhöhe.
    LG Eva
  • s. sabine krause 02/09/2012 12:38

    : )))) i do envy dogs sometimes: when they got an itch, they scratch, no matter where it is, no matter who may be watching! when they need to tinkle and see a tree that suits them they tinkle happily away. and when it's swelteringly hot, and they happen to be close to a refreshing fountain, they just open their mouths wide, let their tongues fall to the ground and enjoy the cooling spray, just like senior citzen alice here … ; ))) i totally agree with viola: it must be the fountain of youth she's visiting: that puppy-like spark in her old lady's eye is so very charming! greetings, sabine.
  • viola d 02/09/2012 9:10

    Alice in Washington (not to be mistaken for Alice in Wonderland) looks happy nad very young for her age.
    Beautiful pic, I love this low perspective.
    Bw, Viola