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Ananda Pahto, Northern Plain of Bagan, Bagan - Mandalay Division, Myanmar

Ananda Pahto, Northern Plain of Bagan, Bagan - Mandalay Division, Myanmar

2.133 5


Free Account, Loose, Maidstone

Commenti 5

  • jottk 10/08/2012 14:58

    Photomatix can give dramatic pictures.Personally I don't like tone-enhancement so much-I prefer fusion without enhancement.The beauty is,that with your exposure series you can doe a lot of different things.I have reworked many of my Photomatix originals.
    At the moment my fav is merging 2 pics with exposures varying about 2 EV with CS5 (not HDR!) to obtain a more natural impression.
  • keni-wruh 28/07/2012 23:42

    No worries though, maybe try some HDR yourself. Sometimes you can get very impressive results out of it ;-) and it's easy to achive - all you need is to download yourself the Photomatix and then take the three shots of different exposure value (in general, underexposed, overexposed and one with correct exposure) and the program does the job for you - very easy to manipulate and play with!!!
    I'll have some more "Bagan Pix" coming next week as I've used all of my this week's allowance.
    Regards and a good eye man!
  • xyz 28/07/2012 16:12

    Thanks for the explanation and hoping to see more Bagan shots from you in the future!
  • keni-wruh 28/07/2012 0:26

    Hey Ulf,
    thanks a lot ofr your comment...I really love comments of this kind - a bit of criticism :-) - I mean it's nice to hear words of praise, they always flatter, but criticism on the other hand helps to progress.
    So, to put you right, the picture is HDR and the exposure value can't be taken seriously. It's basically some senseless average exposure value which Photomatix worked out of three differently captured exposures that has then been overlaid and the picture you get to see is the result. But I'm pretty sure, you know which kind of post-processing technique I'm talking about. Hence, the picture appears unsharp. Hope I'm right :-) But anyways the original images I used are all "tripod- captured" and are seem to be ok..
    Hey, and you are absolutely right about the place. It's absolutely stunning! Would be nice to get back there at some point again ;-) Spent there five days and I loved it. All of Myanmar was simply amazing! Have some more pix in Myanmar collection and 'll try to upload them soon..
    Thanks for interesting comment and hope to talk again soon...
    Take care
  • xyz 27/07/2012 17:57

    A real fine place to make good pictures; I was there too.
    But why you have chosen an aperture of f32 resulting in a long exposure time of 1s at 122mm? This can not be handhold, and the result is an unsharp picture. F8 would have been enough...


Visto da 2.133


Fotocamera Canon EOS 500D
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 32
Tempo di esposizione 1
Distanza focale 122.0 mm
ISO 100