2.644 3

Anhui Newshound

A combination of curiosity, and cupboard love, she became my shadow as I filmed in the 'nu-village'. Quiet, loyal, and very laid back, she led the television crew to the perfect location for a piece to camera. We walked across a field, and at one point she stopped, and turned to see if I was still behind her. She looked me straight in the eye as if to say take me with you. Even though she was a puppy she was wise, and knew her situation. From the minute I met her she broke my heart. This has been a recurring theme during my time in China.

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Fotocamera u-miniD,Stylus V
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 4.9
Tempo di esposizione 1/250
Distanza focale 11.5 mm
ISO 64