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Architectures superimposed

Architectures superimposed

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alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Architectures superimposed

Aegean Sea(North)
Chios island

Since 146 BC that Greece finally succumbed to Roman suppremacy and till 1827 when regained its independance, Greece passed into the hands of many other different occupations(Byzantine,Venetian, Italian,Ottoman) each one leaving behind marks and signs of different cultures. The architectural marks are definitely among the most significant having to do a lot with everyday life and habits. Especially in the Greek islands in Aegean and Ionian Sea that stayed for long in the hands of Venetians, Genovese, Italians and Ottomans, one can come across in many houses and other constructions that still stand undemolished and present , in mixed shape, this historical relay of artistic and decorative style.

In the photo a house in the island of Chios, especially rich and thriving in the hands of Genovese and Ottomans because of its product of mastisch, showing characteristic Ottoman architecture...

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