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B R I D G E OF L I E R S , Sibiu , Romania

B R I D G E OF L I E R S , Sibiu , Romania

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B R I D G E OF L I E R S , Sibiu , Romania

Rebuilt in 1859 by Friedrich Hütte in the former location of a wooden bridge, The Bridge of Lies is the first forged iron bridge in Romania.
A favorite strolling place for young couples, the bridge stands out due to its resistance pieces decorated with rosettes and a belt of elements placed in circles with decreasing sizes and adorned with vegetal and neo-gothic geometric motifs.
These bear on the southern side the coat of arms of Sibiu and on the northern side the inscriptions “1859” and “Friedrich Hütte”. The four pedestals at the extremity of the bridge, more robust and made in stone, sustain lighting devices made in cast iron. The metallic rail of the bridge consists of eight panels with circles in a gothic radial décor.
Ledend has it that if you tell a lie whilst on the bridge, the bridge will collapse. Young couples come here to tell each other they love each other. Brides and grooms regularly have their wedding photos taken on the bridge.

Commenti 1

  • Adele D. Oliver 01/12/2013 1:31

    beautiful this old bridge with its intricate iron design and flowers and coat of arms ... and photographed from a great angle !!! so interesting your explanations !!!
    greetings, Adele