Amsel/ Blackbird
taken in Berlin
NaBu bittet um Mithilfe, Amselsterben
Amsel/ Blackbird
taken in Berlin
NaBu bittet um Mithilfe, Amselsterben
Küster Petra 10/04/2017 13:23
Sie nimmt ein Sonnenbad. LG PetraH.D. G. 10/04/2017 12:14
Sehr schön das Licht in seinem Auge, sehr gut gemacht.Gruß Dieter
Sharkingo 10/04/2017 11:19
Herrlich, er genießt die Sonne.VG Sharkingo
Waldgitti 10/04/2017 10:58
reizvolle Aufname von der männlichen Amsel!LG Brigitte
Harold Thompson 10/04/2017 8:55
Good view oft he blackbird nice pose:-)) Harold
Sue Thompson 10/04/2017 8:22
Good light and details in the feathers of this black bird........ and perhaps he was singing to you as you took this.:))
Mark Billiau. 10/04/2017 8:22
Nice picture, but I think the shot would benefit with a bit of underexposure.Mauro Tomassetti 09/04/2017 21:45
Excellent capture of the Blackbird!Greetings Mauro