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Blessed are those who hunger...

Blessed are those who hunger...

4.203 8

Deni R

Free Account, Timisoara

Blessed are those who hunger...

... and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.

Until then, they wait by the gates.
I actually only wanted to take a picture of the church, when the kid came out and sat down by the gates. I hesitated, because this is not the kind of view I want to show, but then I pressed the button anyway. Afterall, this is part of our reality, like it or not. :(

Commenti 8

  • Deni R 20/02/2007 15:51

    exact acolo :)
  • n o r B Ä R t 20/02/2007 12:52

    linga scoala Lenau ?
  • Deni R 18/02/2007 23:20

    yep :)
  • n o r B Ä R t 18/02/2007 18:09

    biserica sirbeasca ?
  • Anca T. 27/10/2006 22:24

    Meiner Meinung nach:Perfekt!
    LG Anca
  • Deni R 24/10/2006 23:21

    Thank you for your comment, Martin.

    Accept yes. Exaggerate no. There are some, even on this site who seem determined to show only that part. While it may be part of our reality, it is not representative of it. Focusing on it out of... I don't know what... maybe out of the wish to play the photoreporter or out of the desire to get attention, like a bad tabloid newspaper - I find that sad.

    And while I may have some degree of understanding for foreigners doing it, who may find it fascinating, exotic, revolting or whatever (even though I have traveled enough to know that Romania is definitely not the only European country to offer such photographic subjects), I have no understanding for Romanians throwing such pictures in the face of others... it seems like some sort of perverted obscenity to me. Even the more so, as I can find no artistic quality to most pictures of that kind.
  • SZM 20/10/2006 9:47

    That's a beautiful picture of the church! I like it ... with or without the boy! But you're right: It's a part of our reality and we must accept it.