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Citygate to Xizhou

Citygate to Xizhou

3.482 3


Premium (World), Bangkok

Citygate to Xizhou

The architecture includes three rows of houses and one screen wall facing the gate; it is also built with a front and a back yard, which is called an integrated courtyard and includes spacious turrets and buildings with five rooms. The Bai homes include carved wooden arts, clay sculptures and paintings, and marble sculpture, all representing their beliefs and culture.

Commenti 3

  • Pfriemer 11/06/2014 20:28

    hi, thanks for you comments dear friends, the man in front of the gate is relaxing, man of them smoking the "bong" (with tabac leaves, no Kief), regards Wolfgang
  • Benita Sittner 08/06/2014 0:12

    ,,,wenn ich das jetzt alles lesen könnte....scheint aber ein interessantes Gebäude zu sein....und dieser einsame Mann dort vorne...was macht der ???
    VLG Benita
  • richardelmas 06/06/2014 15:09

    Muy buena, la escritura china todo un arte.


Cartelle Yunnan in China
Visto da 3.482


Fotocamera NIKON D200
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 11
Tempo di esposizione 1/400
Distanza focale 25.0 mm
ISO 125