Martin Sahula

Free Account, Augsburg

Claudia Loves To Collect Corn-roses

You will probably not believe, how I made this shot, but I am going to tell it anyway: I was in the corn-rose field doing some shooting for my Freedom! picture.

While waiting for the sun, I spotted two cars and two hobby photographers with Claudia (the name is totally made up, I do not know the lady's name) posing in the field. I was well hidden, so I made a series of paparazzi shots and selected later the one I liked. Honestly I have to say, that Claudia did remove the nice white dress pretty fast, to my big surprise I found out I was witnessing a pretty exciting strip show ;).

Martin Sahula

See? I told you wouldn't believe....
F5,6 / 1/400 sec / ISO 250 / 200mm x 1,6

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