1.507 6

Matthias Moritz

Community Manager, Hambergen

creepy streetcar

Wieder Experimentalfotografie. So ganz zufrieden bin ich mit dem Ergebnis "Geisterbahn" nicht, aber die Gesamtsituation gefällt mir zumindest so, dass ich das Foto für vorzeigbar halte.

für Ideen und Kritiken bin ich natürlich wie immer offen und dankbar.

I am not fully satisfied with the result, especially the "ghost train".
However, how do you like it?

This is the station "Place of the Nations" in the former capital of Germany, Bonn.

Olympus E-300, 25 sec, f22.

Commenti 6

  • Piroska Baetz 08/02/2006 7:35

    sehr schöne aufname
    lg. piri
  • Uwe Thon 05/02/2006 17:00

    wieder ein beeindruckendes licht!
  • Klaus Kieslich 05/02/2006 15:44

    Na,das Ergebniss kann sich doch sehen lassen....mir gefällts !
    gruß Klaus
  • Nicole Zuber 05/02/2006 11:54

    Even if I sometimes appreciate to play with the computer, it seems to me much more interesting to do it with the camera. And you took this chance in best manners and fixed a nice scene. The bicycle makes the difference…

    Very friendly yours - Nicole
  • Patrick B. Parenteau 05/02/2006 8:36

    I like the ghost train. It adds a hint of motion to a static shot. Everything else is frozen in time, but the train keeps moving on....

  • Jan Grell 05/02/2006 8:34

    I guess, this is a timing issue to experiment with.

    Here I got 20 seconds exposure time which started when the doors were fully closed:
    Linie 66 - Telekom Express
    Linie 66 - Telekom Express
    Jan Grell

    The effect looks pretty similar to yours. But this timing depends on the timing of the train.
    It could be easier to get a calculateable result with an arriving train. In this picture I started a 10 seconds exposure when the train reached my position:
    Ghost Train
    Ghost Train
    Jan Grell

    With maybe 5 more seconds you would have seen more of the train itself.

    Maybe next time...

    By the way: The complete station name is "Deutsche Telekom / Place of the United Nations".