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no a remote part in Death valley where the rather infamous Charles Manson used to hide before he was captured. He and his gang used the barker ranch in death valley as a hide out after being on a killing (one of them being actrice Sharon Tate) spree in Los Angeles.

The local county sheriff department & National Park law enforcement captured Manson and his group in 1969. At the time of his arrest, they were unaware of what they had on their hands. They wanted to prosecute the persons responsible for vandalizing a portion of the National Park further north, not even knowing that they had a mass murder suspect, plus a cult following of druggie kids.

Close to the ranch ranch are a few vandalizing spots shown here and used as shooting target range.
One thing I must say though, they drove a schoolbus to this remote place and anyone ever been there can only think how they managed to get there on a in places very rough 4WD road.

Nowadays the barker rach serves a campping spot on a first come first service basis. There is also a primtive style swimming pool made from cement and rock boulders towards the back of the property. Clothing optional:)) Well usually you're will see no one there..

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