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der Container hat einen guten Überblick (auf was schaut er?)

der Container hat einen guten Überblick (auf was schaut er?)

973 27

Frederick Mann

Premium (World), Wuppertal-Arrenberg

der Container hat einen guten Überblick (auf was schaut er?)

this (and the picture yesterday) is the inofficial begining
of my anhanger/container/eimer series ...
can anyone imagine a life without them
(and do we really know about what they think )

Commenti 27

  • DRAGA PUC 05/06/2008 14:17

  • Mister Smith 05/06/2008 13:29

    Ich wäre froh, wenn es sie endlich nicht mehr gäbe. Es wäre doch viel schöner zu wissen, was mein Nachbar alles wegschmeisst, wenn er, in Ermangelung einer Tonne, seinen Müll bis zur Abholung auf die Strasse kippt. In den Häfen könnten Millionen Arbeitsplätze entstehen, wenn viele fleissige Hände die Fracht, anstatt im Container, einzeln an Bord tragen und verstauen. Die Strassen wäre auch viel bunter, wenn die Leute ihre kleinen Abfälle, wie Kaugummipapier, einfach wegwerfen würden.
    Ich liebe besonders die Umgebung (3-4Kilometer) von drive-in's (MCDonald, Burger King etc.), da liegt immer besonders viel bunte Fastfood Verpackung auf der Strasse. Wenn die bescheuerten Kids ihren Müll in einen Abfalleimer werfen würden...würde ich gar nicht wissen, dass es in der Nähe Hamburger gibt.
    Container vernichten Arbeitsplätze, weg mit ihnen!
  • Jacky Kobelt 02/06/2008 22:05

    excellent composition
  • Graf Hanspeter 02/06/2008 17:00

    Er sieht ziemlich hungrig aus...hast Du was zu fressen für ihn?
    LG Hanspeter
  • Karl R. H. 02/06/2008 11:09

    da bin ich jetzt aber gespannt, wie sich uns demnächst
    das seelenleben der müll-tonnen öffnen wird ...
    dank deiner unermüdlichen recherge


  • Frederick Mann 02/06/2008 7:06

    @Mario Fox ... well I take time.. to talk with them .. ( my eimer/container/anhänger buddies) ..
    (der Tursteher)...ich hab die Schnauze voll
    (der Tursteher)...ich hab die Schnauze voll
    Frederick Mann
    even though I as Rentner who has basically less time as when I went to work

    @Helmut Kroiß ... thank you for the link ... yes our container and eimer friends are really very helpful.. make our life better .. and I see you have yours on private ground... I'm sure they appreciate that....

    @EggiMA ... well yes.. as hauptperson ... männlich ... you see them almost everywhere.. there population must have increased

    @Rosa Phil-Li ... from what I can judge.. they seem happy about their contents.. at least none have complained directly to me.. well .. excuse me.. yes one did complain.. 'der Turaufsteher' complained that he had the schnauze full....

    @Doris Reinecke ... you think so... it's after all a possibility ... well why should der Container be any different than humans in their behavior... or?
  • Ilidio Fernandes 01/06/2008 23:37

    Excellent capture.
  • Rosa Phil-Li 01/06/2008 21:37

    well I guess no ...
    and especially what they think about their contents
    would be interesting :)
    regards rosa
  • EggiMA 01/06/2008 20:51

    container als hauptmotiv sind ok. ansonsten stören sie eher.
    gelungenes bild ...
  • --carmen-- 01/06/2008 19:23

  • DSK 01/06/2008 19:17

    Gefääääällt mir++++
    LG Micha
  • Runzelkorn 01/06/2008 17:39

    Der hat Appetit auf das Auto. Und bei den Spritpreisen wird er es auch bald bekommen!
  • Mario Fox 01/06/2008 13:05

    you give them their mood- very special, eben eine spezielle frederick ästhetik, unverkennbar
    greets mario
  • Frederick Mann 01/06/2008 11:57

    @Peter Mertz ... yes I think he does.. but doesn't talk about it much ... I suspect he is studying the rear end of the Fiat...

    @Trudemarie Kemmlage ... yes I think it's a situatlon like when we look at birds.. we wish we could fly .. well I bet he wishes he had wheels and motor.. so he could drive about...

    @B. K-K ... that's one solution ... but I told him he doesn't have a licience

    @ANSCHii .. that one is not mine .. .but he gets to see many different ones.. and different sizes and colors.. he must be a car expert as he has a lot of time to study them

    @Stefan Hillgruber ... that's another possibility .. you made a good point.. his Klamotten is not that spectacular nor does it shine in the sun

    @Volker Kullik .. yes I've noticed (I look around myself at other Containers) that many have that name tag...

    @Helmut Kroiß --- that's possible ... but I don't think he knows what a camera is... besides I greet him each time I see him ... wouldn't want him to think I'm unfriendly ..

    @Anni R ... oh... I never thought of that... do you think he is a voyeur?

    @die.Anna ... I hope not... heavens.. he is parked directly behind my house ... I can see him from the wintergarden and bedroom windows...

    @Kath. KS ... merkwürdig ... ummm.. or perhaps, yes, würdige gedanken about the inner life of our Container friends...

    @Wolf Maier ... oh... I think he loves the sun ... I'll ask him the next time I'm outdoors...
  • JottEmm 01/06/2008 11:50

    Ha, klasse Idee! Die alltäglichen Dinge sagen am meisten aus. Ich bin mächtig gespannt.
    LG Jürgen