2.346 5

Anders Å

Free Account, Stockholm


When I was a small boy I used to dream about a car like this and collected toy cars. When it was time to buy my first own car a car like this was not an option as it would cost way to much to drive and maintain. Now cars like these are dinosours and within not to long you will only be able to see them in museums and on pictures. Here's a picture of one that is still alive, but not for long.

Commenti 5

  • Elizabeth J Jacob 20/12/2008 2:32

    A digital grin with a vengeance.

    I think you underestimate the passion of collectors of 'classic cars'. In the USA I would say there are more of these old dinosaurs on the road with each passing year. They are lovingly, maniacally resurrected from trash heaps, old barns and garages, wherever... Conspicuous consumption, which these represent, will never die among a certain group of people.

    Elizabeth (an old dinosaur, myself)
  • Andrea Sagawe 06/12/2008 14:13

    Absolute perfect point of view!!!

  • Kueslowski 02/12/2008 8:19

    I know what you mean. I like dinosours. What an impressive front! This monochrome version suites very well. Great work.

  • Ralf J. Diemb 01/12/2008 22:44

    gasolie eater with a big mouth - no more chance on this planet furthermore

    gr. Ralf
  • Alexandra Baltog 01/12/2008 22:17

    beautiful story ...

    great angle ..fantastic visual impact!

    best wishes,