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Dramatic weather situations at Andaman Sea

Dramatic weather situations at Andaman Sea

11.963 0


Premium (World), Bangkok

Dramatic weather situations at Andaman Sea

After the constructive comment from @polycera I edited once again the picture to remove the color noice

Dramatic weather situations at Andaman Sea
Dramatic weather situations at Andaman Sea

here the new post
In the meantime a photo in which I actually wanted to capture the thunderstorm mood photographically. Three dolphins jumped out of the water again and again. They were too far away, but a click on the shutter was worthwhile.
Dolphins, sometimes whole schools, often frolic in the Andaman Sea. They particularly like to accompany touring boats to get something off the kitchen waste. Underwater, however, during a dive, I've never met a dolphin, they prefer to swim outside in the open sea.

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Cartelle Diving Asian waters
Visto da 11.963


Fotocamera E5000
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 7.6
Tempo di esposizione 1/590
Distanza focale 14.9 mm
ISO 100

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