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Eccoti qua/Here you are (reloaded)

Eccoti qua/Here you are (reloaded)

21.697 5

Stefania Ponzone

Premium (Pro), Albenga

Eccoti qua/Here you are (reloaded)

Probabilmente Polyommatus (Lysandra) bellargus/Adonis blue o specie simile. Raro scatto con il cavalletto (anche perché a 300mm la mano trema più del solito) e, dato il titolo, forse unica preda valida della giornata!
Probably Polyommatus (Lysandra) bellargus/Adonis blue or similar species. Rare shot with the tripod (also because at 300mm the hand shakes more than usual) and, with reference to the title, perhaps the only valid catch of the day!

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