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El caçador i la presa - The hunter and the catch

El caçador i la presa - The hunter and the catch

1.805 9

Josep A. Collado

Premium (World), València

El caçador i la presa - The hunter and the catch

selfportrait: Nikon Coolpix 5200
right image: Pentax *Ist DS

Commenti 9

  • Jacqueline Slater 05/09/2005 22:35

    very cool idea ..love the concept!
  • Josep A. Collado 05/09/2005 12:49

    Thank you very much.
  • JVision 02/09/2005 20:32

    Fantastic work !!!
  • Jeremy B 01/09/2005 6:29

    Great concept, and a nice capture as well. Impressive!
  • Hermann Klecker 31/08/2005 20:09

    I like it!

  • Josep A. Collado 31/08/2005 16:30

    @Cees: Yes! is so hard the life of the photographer !
    @Carles: Me'n alegre que ho veges així. Bona Rentrée.
    @Anastasya: Maybe the images do not correspond exactly, I am not sure. They are a selection of both series and is possible that they can not be of the same instant. I have to say, however, that the angle of shot was always practically the same one.
    In any case, very fine observation. Thank you.
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 31/08/2005 14:29

    Hi hi, I observed that the perspective of the catch at the right side is much closer to the ground compared the left side the position where the photographer taking his camera for the shot.
    interesting work, pretty nice!
  • PINDORIUS 31/08/2005 13:33

    Torno de vacances i veig que estàs ampliant les idees.
    Aquesta es bona.
  • Cees Kuijs 31/08/2005 11:07

    Nice collage, Josep. What we have to do to get our shot...
    Greetings, Cees