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Enallagma cyathigerum male eating - Common Blue Damselfly male eating

Enallagma cyathigerum male eating - Common Blue Damselfly male eating

1.102 2

Harm Alberts

Free Account, Beuningen

Enallagma cyathigerum male eating - Common Blue Damselfly male eating

Enallagma cyathigerum male - Common Blue Damselfly male

Enallagma cyathigerum - Common Blue Damselfly (Fam.Coenagrionidae)
This species is similar to the Azure Damselfly, the Variable Damselfly and the Irish Damselfly but can be distinguished by the presence of a single stripe on the side of the thorax (visible in this picture), the shape of the marking on segment 2 and by the shape of the pronotum.

-The bluest of the blue damselflies
-Males have a club-shaped black mark on second abdominal segment and the upper surface of segments 8 and 9 is all blue
-Broad antehumeral stripes
-The hind margin of the pronotum has a flat, shallow median lobe.
-Females occur in three colour forms, typical, blue and brown
-Females have a medial spine on the underside of segment 8


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