Matthias von Schramm

Premium (World), Hamburg

Enorm 1


Heute informierte sich eine Gruppe von Eliteyelpern über die Unterschiede zwischen plastischer und Schönheitschirurgie in der Praxis des Hanseaticum zu Hamburg auf dem Gelände des UKE im Hause des Spectrum. Näch.

Commenti 3

  • Michael Farnschläder 14/04/2016 14:30

    A specific type of douchebag who is uniformly narcissistic with a clear sense of superiority over other individuals because they frequently post reviews on the website Yelp. Despite the fact that these people have no specific qualifications or credentials, they believe themselves of a higher authority on the level of the Cesars of Rome, able to determine the fate of a restaurant, coffee house, or bar in the same fashion as a defeated gladiators' fate was chosen in ancient Rome.....aha!
  • Photomann Der 13/04/2016 23:56

    plastische Schönheit