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Fire Strokers of The Dhobi Ghat

Fire Strokers of The Dhobi Ghat

21.604 18

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Fire Strokers of The Dhobi Ghat

A society that dedicates themselves to washing, starching, and ironing shirts and pants. They are a giant laundry community in Mumbai. Here the man stands in a very dark room and keeps the fire roaring. You can feel the sting when the flames and cinder spark about. Its a true steam room that will fog your lens. I discovered the affects because there isn't any wiggle room to stay safe.

Commenti 18


Cartelle Dobie Ghats
Visto da 21.604


Fotocamera NIKON 1 V1
Obiettivo 1 NIKKOR 10mm f/2.8
Diaframma 3.2
Tempo di esposizione 1/40
Distanza focale 10.0 mm
ISO 3200

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