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Fireworks in front of the Romanian House of Parliament

Fireworks in front of the Romanian House of Parliament

3.882 5


Free Account, Paris

Commenti 5

  • Onutzza_ 07/06/2010 18:00

    Multumesc inca o data pentru aprecieri. Ma bucur ca pozele mele ti se par reusite, mai ales avand in vedere ca nu stiu boaba de tehnica fotografica si niciuna dintre ele nu este retusata in vreun fel.

    Legat de poza de mai sus, intentia mea nu a fost sa prind fumul ci doar artificiile fara fum, dar cat am tot facut incercari (fiind cu Night Shot pozele imi ieseau neclare) s-a cam terminat si focul de artificii iar cele mai reusite fotografii, fiind spre final, au surprins mult fum. :)
  • Onutzza_ 04/06/2009 23:20

    @ Mike FL: sorry, but I don't know German :(
  • Onutzza_ 04/06/2009 23:19

    Oh, thank you very much. It was after a concert I think.

    There was a lot of smoke because there had been several firework-sessions and the one I captured was after them.
  • Mike HH 04/06/2009 21:22

    das sieht ja fast wie ein Feuer aus?
    VG Mike
  • Harm Böckmann 04/06/2009 21:22

    awesome fireworks. What was the Party and fireworks all about?

    Greetings from Germany

    PS.: I like the picture. Seems like there is more smoke than light.