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Fishing Vessels in Halong Bay

Fishing Vessels in Halong Bay

742 3


Premium (World), Bangkok

Fishing Vessels in Halong Bay

This modern style of Motor Fishing Vessel now is widespread along the coast of Vietnam. Up through the last centeries most working boats in the region were built as traditional sailing hulls, even if they had auxiliary engines added.
This vessel is equiped with strong and powerful spotlight bulbs to catch cuttlefish during night.

Commenti 3

  • Georg Mahkorn 14/01/2017 11:15

    Hallo Wolfgang,
    schönes Bild. Besonders gefallen mir die Farben und der Frieden, den dieses Bild ausstrahlt. Dennoch hat es Leben mit der Wäsche und dem winkenden Vietnamesen.
    LG Georg
  • Benita Sittner 01/06/2016 22:44

    .....hier spielt sich alles ab was Leben und Überleben heisst....wunderschöne Doku dieser Fischerboote....VLG Benita
  • Lindefotografie 01/06/2016 15:47

    beeindruckendes Foto, auch die Erläuterungen dazu ! LG, Bernd


Cartelle Vietnam in the north
Visto da 742


Fotocamera NIKON D700
Obiettivo 28.0-105.0 mm f/2.8-4.0
Diaframma 13
Tempo di esposizione 1/640
Distanza focale 92.0 mm
ISO 500

Hanno messo mi piace
