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GDR Victim of torture and violence waiting for Justice 27 Years long with evidence in Front of Parl

GDR Victim of torture and violence waiting for Justice 27 Years long with evidence in Front of Parl

2.455 0

Adam Lauks

Free Account, Berlin

GDR Victim of torture and violence waiting for Justice 27 Years long with evidence in Front of Parl

My torturers are still wearing my blod on theit hands. I hold evidence of torture and violence in GDR prison 1984/1985 which I ahve found 2010.
I went to the Court of Berlin at least on 11.4.2011.
Over 20 nights and days a was fixed on my hands and my feets on especially Bedconstruction. Toilet torture, Noise torture,... I knowe her all names and went to the court on 30.4.1992 and told the truth, with no evidences in my hands. After 5,5 Years they interrupted the investigetions !
On 7.10.2011 they stopped the investigation again and hurt the international low: Article 13 of UN-Antitorturecoinvention signed by Germany too.
Is there any Justice for the Victim of Torture in German Democratic Republic 1984 !??

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Fotocamera Canon DIGITAL IXUS 80 IS
Obiettivo Unknown 6-18mm
Diaframma 2.8
Tempo di esposizione 1/60
Distanza focale 6.2 mm
ISO 80